Insurance companies are notorious for not paying you what they legitimately owe you

You buy insurance for peace of mind, hoping that you will never need it. You pay for insurance to protect you, your family or your business. You trust that your insurance company will be there for you in your time of need. Often they are not. Insurance companies exist to make money. They are experts at finding loopholes and delaying claims. Instead of helping you in your time of need, they often deny, delay or underpay your claim.

B'Ivory LaMarr Trial Lawyers ®️ can help you collect what is yours.

B'Ivory LaMarr

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Accident Attorney

To discuss your car accident case, contact our Houston Car Accident attorney for professional legal assistance.

Our car accident attorney will remind you of all your legal rights and guide you on how to move your claim forward.

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Photo of Attorney B\' Ivory LeMarr