False Arrest
To keep the public safe, we place a great deal of power in the hands of our officers. But to maintain our freedom and civil rights, we place well defined limits on how and when the police can use that power. Many times, police officers overstep those limits and make an arrest without the proper legal justification. It’s also often the case that these overreaches of police authority occur disproportionately in minority communities or neighborhoods. If you have been subjected to a false arrest, with the support of our civil rights lawyers you have options and may be entitled to compensation.
Wrongful Conviction
It must be noted that personal freedom is the most basic civil right and must be guaranteed to every individual. It is so foundational and important that we require the highest standard of evidence for incarceration, proof that is beyond a reasonable doubt. But the system fails too often. Sometimes the innocent people are wrongfully convicted because of unfortunate or negligent events, which lead to lost months and years. If you have been wrongly convicted of a crime, you are entitled to compensation for your lost time, wages, and more.
Police Brutality Cases
Police brutality, which is a blatant violation of your civil rights, is the unjustified or unnecessary display of force by the police against civilians. If law enforcement officers cross their limits, not only for any injuries and damage you or a loved one have sustained, but also for potential victims of police violence and excessive force, they must be brought to justice. When a catastrophic accident or death is caused by excessive force, attack or a wrongful police shooting, our Civil Rights Attorney actively reviews cases against police forces across Texas.