Violations of Title VI and Title IX
Title IX and Title VI violations arise generally when schools refuse to resolve the victim's complaints or concerns properly. After receiving reports, some schools have failed to recognize actions as inappropriate and have opted to do very nothing whatsoever to solve the issues.
Under Titles VI and IX, academic institutions and their staff are not allowed to:
- Treat students differently depending on race or gender when deciding whether students meet those criteria or specifications to obtain services, incentives, and any other assistance.
- Deny incentives, programs, or assistance to students based on gender or race.
- Subject any student, based on race or gender, to rules of sanction or conduct different from the standard rules apply to all students.
- To promote or facilitate discrimination against students by offering assistance to any entity that appears to be engaged in discrimination or abuse based on gender or race.
- Encourage others to participate in discriminatory or harassing conduct by refusing to respond to or investigate recorded incidents.